Get Rid Of Nasty Bed Bugs Permanently

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Bed bugs are nasty. They can be found everywhere in the US and in almost all regions all over the world. These insects are terrific when it comes to transportation; they move around easily and can get from one place to another without a problem. They hide in boxes, cabinets, anything that is near food. They can be found even in small crevices or cracks and under mattresses. They can hole up in wallpaper, baseboards and in paintings and picture frames. They are particularly horrible because they are blood suckers and can attack as you sleep. DDT used to work on these pests but a study revealed that they have actually evolved and become immune to these chemical treatments. They don’t react anymore to toxins and have developed a resistance, making them even more difficult to get rid of. Some bed bugs were found to have mutated and these mutated species are more resistant than others. Bed bugs in New York were found to be resistant to deltametherin 264 times more than their non-mutated relatives. What makes it even more irritating is that when the chemical is used, they actually multiply faster rather than become eliminated. These new discoveries have posed a problem on how to get rid of bed bugs successfully.

They are scary and even distasteful to have around the house but don’t despair. There are natural methods that you can use to rid your house of these critters without exposing yourself to harmful chemicals. Natural Treatments For Bed Bugs Diatomaceous earth or silicone dioxide can be bought from pet stores and used like powder in mattresses, baseboards, couches, and other furniture. It has no chemicals and acts to dehydrate the bed bugs and cause them to die. Bed bugs are heat sensitive and die when exposed to direct sunlight. If you have furniture with bed bugs, take them outside and put them under direct sunlight before the bed bugs can travel to other parts of the house. If you believe the infestation has affected a large area of your home, it may be time to call in professional pest control companies. The problem can’t be solved by just throwing away a chair or mattress as bed bugs may have travelled to suitcases, clothes, boxes and other things that can go unnoticed and allow them to multiply many times over. Click here to know more about it