eczema cure advise

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Eczema is said to affect those who have asthma in the history of the family.  A recent research though has come up with findings that damaged skin can cause problems with the immune system that can result to asthma in the future.  So the cause and effect of asthma to have eczema cure can happen also for eczema to be the cause of developing asthma in the future.


The research does not show the dividing line between which one causes to affect the other.  There is no information if asthma is caused by immune system disorder.  Asthma attacks can be triggered by allergy to some substances.


Research findings


Findings in the research show that a substance called thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) is released in the bloodstream when one has damaged skin.  TSLP once in the blood travels to the lungs that make them hypersensitive to allergens.  This links the substance to asthma but does not link it being the cause of eczema.


The research suggested that avoiding skin damage with no mention of eczema prevents TSLP to be secreted in the bloodstream that could develop asthma.  It only made a link to eczema and asthma with the existence of TSLP in both cases.


What the future holds


When it comes to treatment for eczema, the research has not made any mention for it. It only suggests that scientists can make a study on how to stop TSLP from getting into the bloodstream from damaged skin is the key to prevent asthma from developing in the future.

A medical journal made studies on mice with TSLP.  It supports the fact that asthma can be developed in the future.  It has also mentioned that fifty percent of those with severe Atopic Dermatitis or eczema develop asthma.  No mention was made if TSLP for those with asthma links to development of eczema. Click here to know more about this