adult acne treatment

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What is Acne?


Acne is a common skin disorder among individuals especially to women. The most common body parts where you can see acne are the following: face, neck, shoulders, chest and back.check acne treatments,  It lowers our self-confidence when we are suffering from this skin problem. We feel so awkward being stared at in public places simply because of the unwanted acne all over our faces.




During teenage years, men and women have equal chances of getting afflicted with acne; however, during the adult years, women are more prone to it compared to men. You may ask why adults can still have acne. Well, adult acne can be teenage acne that has always been there or never went away or it is late on-set acne.


Common Causes of Acne


We may not notice it, but we keep on touching our face every now and then without even thinking if our hands are clean or not. By doing so, we are encouraging the bacteria to transfer to our face.

They hide inside the pores and then cause acne breakout. You may also have an oily skin which has clogged pores, a condition which is very favorable for the acne causing bacteria. Some other reasons why we tend to develop pimples are hormonal imbalance, stress, lack of sleep and even the facial cream and make up that we are using.


How to prevent Acne


If you want to avoid having an acne breakout, you should stay hydrated, avoid too much stress, and get enough sleep. You should be careful in using facial products to use. Use oil-free products. You should always moisturize your face since adult skin has a greater tendency of drying. It would also be a great help if you maintain a healthy high fiber diet and if you wash your face at least twice a day with a mild facial soap or cleanser. Click here to know more about this